In counting my own blessings this last week, I was looking at the awesome men and women who give of their efforts in our church's outreach to those on the streets, and I saw them as MY A-Team. Th
ese people do such a great job serving the needs and challenges of those just outside our campus doors, and they do because they want to. Let me elaborate...

When I joined the staff here eight years ago, I was asked to do something with the homeless and struggling in our community. I began to make contact with those on the streets and in the motels and apartments around us, and we started to try to understand their situations and needs. We began a food pantry, and I was seeing people sometimes for hours each day, assessing needs, making connections and helping as we could. It was a growing ministry, but overwhelming, since I was doing it alone.
One man (bless him) helped for some time. When his work schedule chang
ed, another took his place. Then a few more, and a few more... Now, eight years later there's a team of people (see on right) who give their time each Monday and Thursday afternoon to connect with the 40-50 people who line up for food, bus passes, counsel, prayer and friendship. They sit with each one and find out what's going on, how they are getting along, and what they might need. We know most of them, since they come back often- many not so much for the provisions, but for the contact and love shown them for a short time. Our A-Team may fluctuate from six to fifteen on any given day, but that's OK, because God always provides the right ones at the right time.

And here's the part I like best: this group of men and women actually like what they're doing! I know that sounds like it should be obvious, but remember that some of our street people are unlovable in the eyes of our culture. But this team has opened their hearts and extended the unconditional love and touch of Jesus to each of them. This A-Team makes hospital visits, jail visits, home (or street) visits when our people need to be seen. And I am never consulted! They do this on their own time and on their own dime because they have learned a secret- it's the secret of being able to see past the exterior, past what someone is, to the interior, to what that person can be. They are learning to see like God sees. And for that I'm grateful.
I didn't envision a team with this kind of love and commitment when I began this outreach. I prayed for those who would love and give themselves away, but what I received goes far beyond my expectations. I do feel a connection, however, with Hannibal Smith as I survey what God is doing here through His people, and I can say with the good colonel:
I love it when a plan comes together.
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