a different kind of clip joint
Last Friday was my favorite night of the month again. Time for our monthly Community Supper, when we coo
k a meal and invite the neighborhood to join us. September is always a special month, because we also give away haircuts to anyone who wants one. This in response to a homeless friend who one day asked me if I had $5 so he could get his hair cut. Honestly, I had not considered what a homeless person would do if he or she wanted such personal grooming. So now twice yearly (May and September) we have haircutters who give of their time and talent to make others look-and feel- so much better.
That's the really cool part of a haircut night. For a short time, our men, women and kids of the community can sit and be made over by a professional hairdresser, all the time carrying on a conversation and relationship like anyone else might. For that time, each person
is treated with value, dignity and care- like they should be- and when finished they look at themselves and just flat out feel better about what (and who) they see.It's hard to express the feeling I have when I see someone rise from one of our "barber" chairs and stand a little taller, feel a little better and walk a little more confidently. Maybe it's simply a small way that serves to remind us all that we really are God's creation, fearfully and wonderfully made, and that there's such great worth to be found in each person, even if that worth might be harder to see in some because of outward appearance.
Supper was great (tostadas and all the trimmings for a
bout 140) and 48 people got their ears lowered. I'm proud of and grateful for all those who showed up to serve, giving their Friday night to bless others in a tangible way, and I'm grateful for a church that understands the value of reaching out in multiple ways to help people connect with God as we meet some basic human needs.
Guess that's why I consider these nights a cut above.
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