for the person who has everything
I like this time of the year. There's not much that takes place in this world that's recognized by nearly everyone e
verywhere. Christmas has that kind of impact. And as we scurry about making our plans, sending our cards, attending our parties, and fighting our crowds, we share a common practice- that of giving gifts to each other. Some of us make these gifts, others plan and purchase throughout the year for those we love, but most of us wait until this time to determine what those close to us might want, then figure out how to pay for it, and go out and deal with all the others who also just decided what they're going to buy. Does it get any better than this?Giving gifts to those who matter to us. I imagine the idea comes from the magi, or "wi
se men," who traveled from the east (Iraq, perhaps) to find the newborn Messiah, following a star whose brilliance guided them to the home of Jesus (he wasn't in the manger by the time they got there!). When they found him, they worshiped him and offered him gifts of gold, incense and myrrh. Gifts fit for a king.
Have you ever had a tough time figuring out what to buy for the person who has everything? You know what I'm talking about. That relative, friend, co-worker whose coffer is already filled with whatever you might be able to think of or aff
ord. When those dignitaries made their trek across the desert, anticipating their audience with the foretold Messiah, I wonder if they wondered about the gifts they had with them. Whether or not they were appropriate for the occasion. If those in Jesus' circle would gladly receive them. If they had as much value as they believed Jesus did. But they brought them because they were the best they had to offer. Gifts fit for a king.
Which brings me
to my final thought. Christmas is a time for giving. But like those wise men, what would you give to Jesus in honor of his birth? What could you bring to him that would be your most valuable possession? I mean he has everything, doesn't he? What could you and I have that he would desire? Hard as it might be for some to comprehend, there is one item he's hoping for. One unique and extremely valuable possession you have that he would love to embrace, if you'd be willing to offer it to him.
This year, why not give Jesus the one gift that will mean everything to him? The gift that only you can give, different than anyone else's. The gift he is hoping for more than any other. This year, if you do nothing else, consider offering what will truly make Jesus happy. A gift fit for the King. Your life.
Merry Christmas to you all!
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