The idea of being a "sticky church" is that of helping people create and grow relationships that will "velcro" them to each other and to the Church at large, so that they'll remain connected through the ups and downs of life's journey.
I experienced a great example of the impact of stickiness recently. I was meeting with one of the life groups (small groups of 4-15 that gather regularly to connect in a more personal way than a weekend celebration service will allow) that I lead. We've only been meeting a short time, so we're getting to know each other and discover each other's stories.
I asked if anyone had any good things, any blessings to share from the week. One of our older men replied that he had already been blessed by being a part of this group, blessed because of the acceptance he had received. He then looked at us, choked up and said,"You don't know my whole story yet, but I can tell you that for the first 50 years of my life, I had no friends. In fact, you all are the first friends I figure I've ever had."

No friends for 50 years? Can you imagine? He went on to describe his difficulty in opening up his life and letting people in, even family. The more he shared, the more his eyes welled with tears (and the more my eyes welled!) as I heard the pain, the struggle and the hope he dared to seek by being a part of our group.
Do you suppose our group's "sticky quotient" increased in that moment? Suddenly we again saw the importance of relationships, of connecting with each other beyond a surface level. And we became that much more committed to stickiness with each other. Because we need it. Because those around us need it. Because it's the defining mark of those who say they follow Jesus...
By this will all men know you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.
- Jesus
That's why we're stuck on being sticky.
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