My name is Joyce and serve the church's Food Pantry. We have 80 to 100 people each week that come for food. We talk to them and pray with them. When I first started, I wanted to quit because I couldn't see the purpose and found it depressing. But the Lord wouldn't let me quit, so I went- not wanting to, but compelled to.
It's been a y
ear now and I've gotten to know those less fortunate than myself. There is one homeless woman in her sixties- always smiling and always pleasant. One day as I was talking to and praying with her, I admired her purse. It was a little plastic purple purse. That evening as I went to my car, she was in the parking lot and gave me my own plastic purple purse! It cost her $1.99 and she gave it to me as a gift. I can't describe the feeling that came over me. I felt so very blessed. The Lord confirmed to me that I am where He wants me to be and I'm blessed that a homeless person gave me the gift of my own purple purse. It means everything to me, and makes me feel so humble. Our Lord is awesome.

These are the kinds of blessings- sometimes tough to quantify, but tangible in their own ways- that we receive when we give ourselves for the sake of those around us. Especially those with great need. And you can be assured that Joyce's purple purse is a daily reminder to her of God's great compassion and mercy for us all, as He gave Himself for our needs...that we might give Him our lives and love in return. Our lives, our plastic purple purses. Maybe with little value to others but of immeasurable value to God.
Our God really is awesome.
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