be my valentine?
While buying
groceries in our local Ralphs store yesterday (Valentine's Day) I observed something interesting. It was the end of the afternoon, and as I passed by the card aisle and flowers section, I saw it- that "deer-in-the-headlights" look in the eyes of far too many of men. There they were, young and old, professional and blue collar, nervously scurrying through what was left of the Valentine's card selection, and sweating over the exquisite assortment of Ralphs' own bouquets, floral arrangements, potted plants, Mylar balloons, chocolates and stuffed animals. Most were trying to appear nonchalant and dispassionate (and I'm sure some were). But there was a profound sense of concern and determination in the store. Evidently most had, for one reason or another, failed to acquire whatever it was expected of them by their significant other. So here they were, bound together and trying to find that perfect "I love you" gift at a grocery store.
I don't pretend to know why they were there at the 11th hour. Or why their se
nse of imagination and romance led them only as far as the produce section. Or that I haven't found myself in similar straits in my own life. But I do know that when we say we love someone and that he or she is the most important person in our lives, we do well to make that love a constant priority, and not just on special occasions but every day. It's easy to take love for granted, to allow it to lose the luster and shine it had in its beginning. Special days like Valentine's help us recall and rekindle that specialness. Remind us of who and what really matters. Help sustain us during the rough patches we encounter in our journeys. But mostly, these set-apart times tell us that each day, each week, each month should be special. And that flowers, chocolates, cards and bears need not be relegated to calendar postings, but should be the stuff that reflects our hearts all the time. That way, we won't have to worry about last-minute offerings to prove our devotion. It will have been long settled. And we can relax.
Hope your celebration was...and IS...a great one!
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