On Saturday, a group of us Ann Streeters set out to help with the clean up. We went into to Goodna, an area hit very hard- the Bremmer River that runs through there peaked at 19 meters- so you can imagine the destruction. We went there because that is, of course, where we have families living as well (though they were all untouched by the waters). It was absolutely amazing to see so many people out helping with the clean-up. (Lena told me that she rang Volunteer Queensland yesterday and they said that they have had 60,000 people register in the last week.- Now that is what I call Community Spirit). So on Sat. we drove around Goodna just looking for the right place..we had prayed that God would lead us to a house that there weren't too many people helping.
After driving around for some time- seeing the sad, sad result of the flood, we finally ended up at a house of an older (not elderly) woman...she had her son and daughter there helping her, and a few friends, but there was so much work that needed to be done...they excitedly welcomed our help...so into the house we came- 5 guys and 2 girls...with clean rags (which made a huge difference, as all they had were brooms to clean the walls/ceiling- and one high pressure hose running on a generator). Within about 3 hours we had the entire inside of the house clean and mostly mud free. They will still have to do major drying out and disinfecting, but her son told us that earlier in the morning, as he looked around at all that needed to be done, he was sure that he would be there well into this week...but, with our help, it was complete that day, along with some other jobs. It may have only been one house, but the impact that it had on that family was worth the time. Before we left, I asked if we could pray with them, and they willingly took us up on that offer...
I am heading out again today with Lena and her sisters to help more with the clean up... it will be an ongoing process for some time... and I hope to do all that I can. Please pray that as we are out there, meeting people and hearing their stories, that we will have and take the opportunities to share Christ in any way that we can. There is so much talk of the 'Aussie Spirit" and it is true- there is a great Aussie Spirit..but I want people to see more than just that in me...I want them to see Christ's Spirit...
Please continue to pray for Daun and the crew at Ann Street as they seek normalcy even while ministering to the needs of others. Pray that people recognize their need for the Lord, especially at a time like this. Pray that the spirit of Christ would shine through the selflessness of those who serve in his name to so many who need to know him. And that rains of destruction will become rains of mercy and grace as his love floods the lives of those who have been in spiritual drought for far too long. Keep praying.
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