I wrote a couple of days ago, asking you to pray about the massive flooding in Queensland, Australia, and especially as the focus was turning to the city of Brisbane. The Brisbane River was supposed to crest yesterday morning at 10:00 (Anaheim time) at more than 5 meters (that's over 15 feet). It had already breached its banks and was threatening to turn the heart of Brisbane into a complete waterway.
We received the following update yesterday from Daun Slauson, one of our church members working there with the Ann Street Church of Christ:
well, today we have better news.... the river peaked about 1 metre lower than expected. That may seem like a small amount, but it means that many, many homes were spared. They have now estimated that 'only' 7,500 properties were affected by flooding (others may still have water damage, but not complete flooding). This is a huge answer to prayer!! The waters have already begun to recede, ever so slowly... they say it will be mid week next week before we see the river back to its normal size. As far as I know, no one from Ann St. or the church itself have been hit. But as you can imagine, there is a major clean up that now must begin.
At this point, the Brisbane drinking water supply is still ok, so we pray that it stays that way. As for getting food and other supplies in, it may take some time, as many of the roads are cut out...
Thanks to those of you who have been praying about this matter. Please keep praying for safety, for encouragement in the long rebuilding process, for the Church to be a positive force, and for people to turn their hearts to the Lord.
Here are some pictures that tell a grim story:
Pray on!