But the real fun was tonight, when we met at the Ann Street Church for an evening of connection with international students. This weekly gathering draws those desiring stronger English skills, as well as those wanting friendships. We spent our time talking to and interacting with young people from Korea, Japan, China, France, Taiwan (at least!) whose English conversation skills covered a spectrum of ability. The common bond I felt among them was their desire to connect in some way to others who might strengthen them in their new life surroundings.
It's easy for me to forget at times that many around me struggle with relationships. They may feel fractured, isolated, or unable to make the kind of connections that help them cope and move forward in their world. Reasons may be obvious, as with these students from far-away places, or subtle, but they are real and can be paralyzing, crippling, devastating.
The good news that Jesus brought was not just a "get out of hell free" card
(although that's nice), but the hope for restored and restructured relationships- first vertically (with God), then horizontally (with each other). Our hope is in the fact that we don't have to try to make it on our own. That we need each other and we have each other for support, encouragement, and strength in the journey. And that if we take the time to reach out, we discover that many are eager to respond- not only to gain a friend, but to be one. And God knows we can all use a friend.
I'm glad I got to make some new connections tonight. I hope I encouraged them in some way, and I know they strengthened me a little more for what will lie ahead. Make the effort to express good news to those around you by showing the love of Jesus through your desire to connect, and not simply speaking words to that effect.
I find it's a whole lot more powerful...and more friendly, too.

- Posted far too late at night because we ran all day.
Location:Brisbane, AU
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