About 80% of the nation professes Roman Catholicism, while 16% engage in so

When I was in Haiti almost ten years ago, our team served in with Northwest Haiti Christian Mission in Saint Lo

I have a deep respect for my Haitian brothers and sisters who have given their all for the cause of Christ. Such a commitment can mean great difficulty in the culture, both so

Please keep the Haitian believers in prayer, that God will speak through their lives and leadership, that they will remain faithful in the face of constant compromise, and that God will grant them victory over the evil one and all his schemes. The road was a difficult one before January 12, and it just got much, much harder. But even as the thief rejoices over the death, destruction and despair that he sees, God works. He prepares. He empowers. And He will have the glory. Because He know the plans He has for His people, and those plans include a future.
And a hope.
And a hope.
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