Three events took place last night that humbled me again, and reminded me of the value of these evenings. As the crowd of about 100 entered our Fellowship Hall to begin the evening, Bradford, an older man who's been on the streets for years and is usually drunk (to some degree) found me. He put his hands on my shoulders and said, "You know why I come to these meals, Mike? Not because I'm hungry, but because I'm lonely, and I just have to be around people that I know love me so I won't be so lonely."
Later, one of our homeless men, Bobby (with me here), came up and told me how much he liked listening to my messages, but that he disagreed with everything that I say (I already knew this, as we've had lots of conversations!). But he wanted to make a time to sit together and hash out this entire "Christian-thing" once for all. He said he wanted lots of time to talk, discuss and argue, but that we had to settle the issue. Finally! We've prayed for him for years. Please pray this time will be life-changing for him.
As I was welcoming the group and preparing to pray to begin our evening, one of our gals approached m
And I remembered why this is my favorite night of the month.