Yesterday we went on a bushwalk (about 3 miles, I think), again with Ann Street young people.
We were in a rain forest outside the city, and we enjoyed being a part of perhaps the most beautiful creation some of us have ever seen. After lunch we went to another park (there are so many of them in this city) and played games with the kids. This bonding time is so important, as many of them will travel to Eidsvold with us next week. Today we cleaned the grounds around and indigenous Christian Center in a city of metro Brisbane. We cut trees, trimmed bushes, moved wood, disposed of cane toads (ask the boys about it- ugh!), cleaned under the church house (another ugh!) and generally shaped the place up. The afternoon saw us head to the Gold Coast where we spent the evening together.
Our time so far has allowed us to unite as a team as we've gotten to know each other. We've also been able to know better our hosts and the church with which we're par
tnering. And we'll travel to Eidsvold Sunday afternoon, after spending tomorrow learning about aboriginal history, working our way through downtown on foot, and helping with the church's Community BBQ. All we have done and will do has one goal- connecting us with people here, and giving us the chance to share with them the message of life we have in Jesus. It's a sorely needed message and we pray for open doors and boldness as we go out. In this great place. With these great new friends. With our great God.
Hey, it's tough work, but somebody's gotta do it.
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