How can one guy be so blessed? I just finished an almost indescribable time in the South Pacific, meeting new friends in New Zealand and reuniting with great friend
s in Brisbane. But God's blessings didn't stop with that trip. No sooner did I get back than we prepared for our son, Jon's, wedding. He and his fiance, Amy Smith, became husband and wife last Saturday in a beautiful front yard wedding in nearby Downey. Amy's dad, Dave, is also a pastor (and longtime friend), so we both officiated the ceremony. We even made the pronouncement that they were husband and wife in unison!
I just can't
adequately express the joy that is in my heart in the wake of this wedding. My wife Liz and I have three great sons (Jon's the middle one, dancing here with Mom) and we're proud of them all, as you might imagine. But there's an extra amount of pride when you see one of your children walking a good path and then being able to see God's blessing in the midst of it all. Laying awake the night before the wedding, I wondered if I ought to be more nervous about everything, but I wasn't...because it seemed like this was the next, logical, and right step in Jon's life. My greatest concern was (and still is) how adequately I'd done my job as his father in preparing him for adulthood. OK, now that makes me nervous.
Bride and groom were stunning that afternoon (take a look!), just dazzling. And as they repeated their vows to each other, I realized that that all we had worked and sacrificed for, all the hours, joys, heartbreaks, prayers, and time spent were investments culminating in this grand and sacred moment. And it both excited and humbled me to realize that some kind of baton was being passed to those who would carry our values and vision to another place, another level.
You know, I actually made it through the ceremony without crying (even though some thought that would be impossible!). But as I think of Jon and Amy and the new life they're beginning together, I get choked up...and I thank God for the privilege of His hand on our kids. I know I so often missed the mark through the years, but His grace covered an awful lot. That's obvious. And I think of the Apostle John's words in 3 John 4, in a literal way:
I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.
Walk well, kids. We love you.