kenya bound, kenya found!
At last! We touched down at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport in Nairobi yesterday afternoon (Thursday) at 2:40, and I was so thankful to be finished with flying for awhile! Arriving in Kenya is always a great experience for me, and this time was no exception. After clearing customs (always an adventure!) we were met by Paul Mutendwe from Tumaini Ministries (Paul was at our church last fall). He brought Jackson, the Tumaini chaplain, and Geoffrey, a US intern. How great to see them again!
After a much n
eeded night's sleep, Stanley and | are in Nairobi this morning taking care of odds and ends (exchanging $$, making copies for our seminar and touching base with people). We'll head to Machakos (about 2 hours southeast) after lunch, and get ready for tomorrow's time with the new church. I'm growing more excited about this opportunity as Stanley and I talk over all the possibilities with the planting of this new congregation. People are hungry for something fresh, something challenging, something with substance and hope for their souls. Please keep us in your prayers as we prepare and share what God has given us.The weather is pleasant, we're healthy, and God is good. Those are fine ingredie
nts for us as we launch this time of connection with our brothers and sisters. I'll post again when we're settled in Machakos. Thanks for your concern and interest in what God's doing in this part of His world. It's a blast to be connected with it, even in a small way, isn't it?!
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