a karate lesson
Last Friday night we had our monthly Community Supper. It's an event where we prepare a meal and invite the neighborhood to a night out on us. We usually host 150 or more people, although some special events have seen nearly 800 on our campus! Some months it's simply a meal and time talking together. Other time we have programs that are a treat for our folks.
This was one of those months. The dojo where I work out (Pearl of Wisdom Kenpo Karate) showed up to present a martial arts demonstration. And they
didn't disappoint! They displayed their skills and passion for the art in a great way. And as they strutted their stuff, I was reminded of one crucial concept: You can't score if you don't connect. The demo team simulated attacks and defense, but it was clear that they weren't really hurting each other. That's because they weren't trying to connect. But if you come to our studio during sparring night, or come with us to tournaments, you'd see that these kenpoists don't just look good. They're the real deal. Because when it counts they do connect...and they do score.Which br
ings me to my point. So many people look good. In fact, they are good. I talked to two guys last week who assured me that even though their lives weren't square with God, they were still good guys. They confessed that they weren't perfect (after all, who is?) but they weren't murderers. They weren't molesters or horrible criminals. They tried to help people and be nice. Good guys. But they're like martial artists who do lots of things in the air, make all the right moves and look good, but never score because they never connect.
You see, to score with God, you've gotta connect with Him. And it's not a matter of doing good or even being good. Because goodness and godliness are two different matters. Besides, let's face it, which of us is good enough to connect with God on the basis of our own goodness? Romans 3:23 reminds us that we've all sinned and fallen short of God's glory. So none of us connects with God on our own. And that means that none of us scores abundant or eternal life with God.
And that's where and why Jesus comes in. His death makes up the gap between o
ur "goodness" and the godliness needed to connect with God. His death took the penalty that was owed because of our "non-goodness," the sins we commit that disconnect us from God. And that penalty was death (Romans 6:23). Payment for our sins was required, and Jesus stepped up and took what we deserved. That's what this time of year (Easter) is all about- the willingness of Jesus to die in our place in order to make a way for us to connect with God.
So, it's not a matter of looking good or even doing good. God isn't searching for people who appear to have it all together. Instead, He's looking for those willing to acknowledge what He's done for them through the sacrifice of His Son; those willing to connect on the basis of the death offered on their behalf. That's what it takes to score with God...to not just look good, not just act good, but to become good, from the inside out.
It's no
t what you do, but what you are that matters most. The students at our school don't do martial arts. They are martial artists. And those who follow Christ don't just do good things, they are those who've been made godly, connecting with God in a relationship that results in an ultimate score.
And that's one prize no one will be able to take away.
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