Having been a missionary, I've heard much of the negative attributed to those who leave their own cultures t
o share life and message with those who don't know the Savior. I realize that far too often missionaries brought western culture, thinking, values and ways with them, and taught people as much about being western as about being Christians. I know that they often promoted a colonial mindset among those they went to serve, keeping converts dependent upon foreign direction, leadership and funding. That the message of Christ too often got overlaid upon a bed of indigenous beliefs, creating syncretism and Cristo-paganism. Yep, in some places, missionaries made a mess of things. We don't deny that.

But I also know that it was missionaries who went where real trouble and
needs existed. They were founders and propagators of the bulk of hospitals, orphanages, schools and charities in the most challenging parts of the world. They risked (and often sacrificed) their lives because of a passion to alleviate suffering and bring healing and hope to those in dire need. They actually acted as a buffer in many places, preparing people for the inevitability of encroaching of western expansion. They brought peace among peoples who had warred for hundreds of years, changed the source of social policy for the betterment of the people, led campaigns for the rights of the oppressed and suffering. And all too often, suffered right alongside them.
I recently heard Ray
Bakke (a renowned urban pastor, professor and author) speak and his reference to what missionaries have done historically gave me pause for reflection and joy. He said that in 1900, 90% of all Christians in the world were white, northern and western (European and North American). 90%! But by 1980, more than 50% of the world's Christians were non-white, non-northern and non-western. And that today, 80% of the world's active Christians are outside the West! That for the first time since the 5th century, Christianity is a non-western religion!

And he went on to ask his audience if they understood what those statistics meant. They meant that, among other things, missionaries did their job! That they were successful in getting the Gospel from here to there! And I remembered that even in wea
kness, in failings, and fall-short efforts, God works. He takes what is bring to His table, however little, limited or flawed, and makes of it great success, great progress, great gain. Not because of who we are, but because of who He is.

And then I reflected on our labors, both in the Philippines and here, and I was filled with joy. Because I knew that God took what we gave, and somehow fashioned it into the tool He was looking for to make a difference in lives in need. Because of who He is. And what He wants to see happen. And I remembered again that whether it's outside my front door or outside my borders, there are people to be reached, lives to be touched, needs to be met. And that sometimes I may need to support a missionary, while other times I need to be that missionary.
Join us in March, won't you, as we allow God to speak to us as people who both support and go, whether around the corner or around the world, with a message of hope for a dying world.
Give 'em heaven, missionaries.