I realize that it's been too long since I last wrote. Life has moved quickly lately and I've been hol
ding on as much as actually being in control! I began teaching a class at Hope International University (my alma mater) called, Ministry in the Urban Setting. I'll talk more about that in another post.
I did receive an email this week asking me my thoughts on the upcoming Muslim day of prayer in Washington DC, on Capitol Hill, scheduled for this Friday. According to the report, Muslims want to show the world that they love America too, that they're concerned for its direction and welfare, and that they want people to see how they pray. They're expecting 50,000 to attend the event, which will run from 4:00 am to 7:00 pm., as they try to help change the face of Islam in America, letting us see that many Muslims do not consider the US "the Great Satan." I was asked if I saw this as a threat or an opportunity.
My response was (in part) as follows:
Thanks for the note. I love the way you phrased your question: you asked if this might be threat or opportunity. That’s a
great perspective, for I believe it might be (or become) whatever we choose to make it! I remember Joseph telling his brothers, “You meant this for evil, but God meant it for good.” It obviously concerns me to see something of this nature before us, legitimizing its claim to souls here in America. But at the same time, so many Muslims do see themselves as Americans and are grateful for their freedoms here. And if their young people tour our capitol with its shrines to freedom, democracy, and Christian foundation, perhaps something will rub off that will tell them that this country is even greater than they’ve been led to believe. AND…should this entire event not convict us to be on our knees in prayer- prayer for our country, our leaders, our direction and our neighbors living beside us who so desperately need to know the Savior?
So let’s be praying this Friday (and beyond!), and let’s challenge our brothers and sisters to do likewise. Surely that's the greatest spiritual weapon at our disposal. Let’s not keep it sheathed at such a critical time in our nation’s history.